Monday, October 01, 2012

Hi, my name is Bella Foxglove and this will be the best month ever.

Good Monday Morning all you wonderful people.

October is finally here, and I am bound and determined to make it the best month ever. So many awesome things are happening in the blogging world, and I am so excited to be a part of it.

Things finally kick off in a few minutes over at Samhain's Sirens. Please check out the BLOG and the FACEBOOK PAGE to keep up with all the fun. There will be giveaways, recipes, craft ideas, music, blog posts, and much more from some really awesome people.

Today also kicks off the start of NaBloWriMo. Be sure to check out the BLOG and the FACEBOOK PAGE for that too!

Today, I am going to introduce myself, as there will hopefully be new faces here. I am going to copy the bio I have over at the Samhain's Sirens blog page, as it sums it up pretty well.

I am a Southern Pantheist Witch living in North Florida with my husband and three children. I am not traditional by any stretch of the imagination. I make it up as I go along. I have wandered my ever winding path as a Pagan since I was 13. I still find it hard to believe that was 20 years ago. My life has been one hell of a ride, and even though it is has been very difficult at times, I am glad to say that each and every day I have become stronger and wiser because of the things I have been through.

I have many interests. I love to cook, yet baking eludes me, with the exception of breads. I am in love with Gordon Ramsey. I think I could woo him with my sarcasm and make him fall madly in love with me lol. I am a bookworm of the highest degree. I love music of all types. I am a writer and a blogger. I am always looking for more writing opportunities. I have a tendency to overanalyze everything. I am very much interested in Herbalism and natural medicine. I love to paint in abstract, due to the fact I cannot draw a straight line most days. I can carry on entire conversations comprised of nothing but movie quotes. I am the Queen of useless information. I like to say that you never know when some random bit of knowledge will come in handy one day, and indeed it has! I am a bit of a packrat, mostly with paper. I have a pen and writing implement obsession.

I am very much a Taurus, yet just as much the Leo of my Moon sign. I am logical to a fault at times. I must have incense burning at all times except when I am sleeping. I am addicted to lotion; I must apply it several times a day. I tend to see things from all sides at once. Sometimes that is a huge blessing, and sometimes that is a big curse.

I am an admitted introvert. I am fine in social situations, but I prefer to be at home where I am comfortable. I have a close knit group of friends, most of them I have had since I was a child, and they mean the world to me. The remainder of my friends are online, as I live way out in the woods. I do not get to see even the in-person friends very much, due to geographical locations, so they are sort of online friends as well. I have met so many wonderful people thanks to the internet, and once I started blogging I was introduced to a whole new world of people, and have been fortunate enough to know some of the most intelligent, fun, interesting, and diverse individuals. Some of my best friends live in my computer, as they say! *Winks*

If you want to know more, you can read about my everyday life at I talk about all kinds of things, and I post recipes and other tidbits from time to time. Oh yeah, I sometimes curse, a lot. Consider yourself warned ;)
For more frequent updates, and to talk to me in real time, you can find me at the fan page for the blog here: Tales of the Wolf Queen

For those that know me, I would say this sums me up pretty well, don't you think? For those who are new here, this is a great start into who I am, and I hope you will stick around so we can get to know each other!

So I am going to end this post for now, as I have more goodies to come, and I want to get started on those!

Have a wonderful day everyone, and check back often, as there will be lots going on here this month!


Alexis Kennedy said...

LOVED this intro!

Stephanie said...

Love it...It was finally nice to meet you on the computer. :) Can't say in person. so thought computer sounded good.
