Jack wanted to go, he was chomping at the bit to go, he has been cooped up in the house for a long time now, and he hates that. I was uncertain, he still has a really hard time walking far, but he was going with or without me so I went. As I feared, it was hard for him, I had to go back to the truck not ten minutes later and get his cane ( which thankfully he remembered to bring ) because he was hurting. We still had fun though.
I stocked up on my incense for the month, and I found two books, both in mint condition hardcover, for 50 cents each. Water for Elephants and When Mountains Walked were the titles, and they looked like they had just been plucked from the book store's shelves. They even had the new book smell still. I was thrilled. We got Alex one of the hardcover Diary of a Wimpy Kid books ( she loves those ) also brand new looking, for 50 cents, and we got her 4 other kids books, at a quarter a piece. So for $2.25 we got 7 hardcover, brand new looking books. Mama was happy.
Click the pic for photo credit!
Click the pic for Photo Credit!
After we left there, we stopped by the dollar store and spent 20 bucks and got Alex a lot of craft stuff, which is half of her birthday present. We gave that to her early...I hope it will keep her out of my closet where the rest of her presents are, in a big bag covered by a blanket lol. So hard to believe my baby girl will be 8 in a few days.
Jack cooked dinner last night. Fried chicken ( we rarely eat anything fried, and I refuse to fry anything, so if he wants it, he does it lol ) and mashed potatoes and gravy, with creamed corn and biscuits. He got a copycat KFC ( Kentucy Fried Chicken ) recipe off the net for the chicken, along with the potatoes and gravy, and they were right on the money! SO good. He even promised to not make a huge mess, and other than the fact I had to wait until 8:30 to do dishes due to the hour we got home, the time it took him to cook, and the fact he went to go take a shower right after dinner, so I had to let the water reheat, there was not much clean up for me to do.
Saturday night I stayed up until 3 in the morning to finish A Circle in the Woods by Winston Emerson...the author I am going to be doing the interview with. After the interview is posted I will do a proper book review. It was interesting and I have a bit to say about it, but you will have to wait until after the interview, har har!
Today I have a little alone time, Jack went to go pay the rent and I decided to stay home and be all by myself, which rarely happens. I got to blast my Fleetwood Mac and clean the house. I am happy!
This week will be a little busy. I have interview questions to write, a post for Planet Buddha to finish, Jack has his follow up doctor appointment on Wednesday, Friday I am going to my mothers house to help her prepare food for people, which will be eaten Saturday after we get back from scattering my Dad's ashes.
So yeah, a full schedule for me this week. Along with the daily chores like cooking and homework and all that stuff. Next week will hopefully be calmed down a little, other than my writing stuff. Jack's doc may go ahead and send him to physical therapy, which personally I do not think he is near ready for that yet, but if he does then I will have alone time twice a week for a couple of hours, which will be awesome. I am looking forward to that.
I guess that is about it for now. Nothing else has been going on the last couple of days. A nice and relaxing weekend for the most part!
Hope you all have a great week, and I will be back tomorrow!
I love yard sales. We didn't make it to many this Summer.
Sounds like you had a great weekend. I love Flea Market.
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