Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The space in between...

I know I have been kind of quiet these days. Nothing is wrong, just lots of little things going on.

For starters, you all know we have been working on some house projects. New tile, Jack finally fixed my cabinet drawers, I bought paint for my bedroom in the most gorgeous Sapphire blue, and some pink and teal paint to sponge paint Alex's walls. She decided instead that she wanted to take the 40000 cookie cutters in all kinds of shapes a friend gave me a long time ago and paint shapes on her walls. I am down with that! 

Jack is also going to make doors to cover our built in pantry, and little doors to cover the open cubbies on my desk. I love my desk and have posted pics here before, but as I was saying on a friend's blog ( Seriously, check her out. Her blog is Secret Agent Soul Truth and she is awesome. Tell her I sent ya! ) as much as I love my desk, I still do not feel it is "my perfect writing space" because of the open cubbies, and since the desk can be seen as you walk in the door, I have a bunch of decorative stuff on it instead of using it as a functioning writers desk. With the doors, I can hide my stuff so to speak from looking jumbled or cluttered when it is filled with the things I create with. It thrilled me when out of the blue Jack suggested he make hinged doors for each cubby without me even mentioning my plight to him!

Speaking of Jack, I do not know what has gotten into him but he has turned into Mr. HandyMan and I love it. Now when I mention something I would love in the house he jumps on the idea and tries to figure out how we can do it, or something similar. He is planning on building a small covered deck out the back door to put the washer and dryer on so we can slide the two pantry cabinets we have into the space they use, thus turning the 3 cabinets on the wall into more pantry space, and the cabinets will slide right into the space the washer/dryer vacates, making a pantry wall so to speak. I am thrilled with this idea.

Before I paint my room I want to figure out the best way to arrange it so it looks better and is more functional. Right now everything is just crammed in where it will fit due to the smallness of the room and the largeness of my bed. No, I will not get a smaller bed, we fight on my queen size for leg room as it is lol. I like to sleep sprawled on my back now due to my torn rotator cuff in my shoulder, and he likes to sleep diagonal for some reason.

So I want to see if we can make more sense of it than the way it is now. I just know that something has changed in his mindset and I am reaping the benefits of it.

Let's see, what else? Oh yeah. We went to the lake for the first time in a couple of weeks yesterday, and met one of my oldest friend and her family met us there. I have not seen my friend in two years and it was wonderful to spend time with her and her family. I am so in love with her and her husband and her two precious kids. I think ( and I hope ) we will all be spending a lot more time together in the future.

School starts back on the 18th of August, and in another week or so it will be time to switch things back around and get Alex and myself back on a "school" schedule, meaning earlier to bed and earlier to rise. I am ready to be honest. Staying up late may suit my inner self but it can be lonely and a little boring when no one else is really around. ( Except for two of my best friends, they are night owls like me but even they have to go to bed or work at times lol )

I have a couple of other things I want to write about but I feel they deserve posts of their own so I am going to close here. Yes I KNOW I say that and seldom write about whatever it is, but this is meaningful to me so it will happen lol. Another one of those changes I keep alluding to!

Have a great week folks!


Anonymous said...

Great post!

I adore the cookie cutter idea. That is going to be so much fun. If she is a glitter fiend like her mother, you could add that to the shapes too. You can also get glow in the dark stars and planets either at the dollar store or Wal-Mart for cheap if you think she would like that. Glow in the dark nail polish has the same effect.

Thanks for the blog shout out. I really appreciate it. I have been adding some fabulous blogs but it would be awesome to have more than a few followers and be able to add to my reading list.

The covered deck for the washer and dryer sound fab! I hope that pans out for you.


Magaly Guerrero said...

Glad your cabinet is fixed. My Piano Man just mounted a lovely shelf above my altar and I love it. I think it's lovely when our guys assume the handyman persona--sexy. My school hasn't even ended, so I rather not talk about it (I might explode). I'm off to check out SAST!

Hugs ;-)

Hibiscus Moon said...

these ideas sound like so much fun!!!

Tamara said...

Glad to see a post from you :) The house project sounds like it is going to be very cool, especially the doors for the pantry. I love the cookie cutter idea!!

Cupp Kinch said...

I knew I would one day make it big time!!!! I am so in love with you and your family!
