Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Changes are coming...

Well we have not washed away yet...but it is still raining and windy, so anything could happen lol.

I am writing today to let everyone know I have been making some changes on the blog. I weeded my blog list out....because things were all cluttered up and a lot of the people I followed did not post anymore or post anything I wanted to read, or I follow on the Facebook Network blogs, so I got rid of those so my dashboard would be neat and tidy again. I hate repetition, so seeing it posted all over my Facebook and my Dashboard annoyed me lol. Sorry, I am just weird like that!

The other thing I wanted to talk about is that I will be changing my blog name if the title I want is available. I will post more about that after I do it, because it depends on if it is available, but if you notice me with a new name do not fret....it is still me lol...

If I get the name change, I will also be changing my button. Sorry for any pain in the ass this might cause for those of you who follow or have my button, but as we grow and change so does the things around us that represent us...and this blog is certainly no exception.

Thank you to all of you who do follow and read, I am glad your here!

So now I am off to see if I can land my new name...and if not, then we will continue to Wander as I Wonder for a while longer *winks*


Mother Moon said...

Like it and also like the new name.... change seems to be happening everywhere

Bridgett said...

Looks good! Love the new name.
Changing your button now. :)

Anonymous said...

Love it! Snatching the button now :)
