Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sometimes wishes come true...

Well there have been a few developments since I posted last night. I talked to my mom this morning, and she told me she was finally being released today, and she was. She is now resting at home. She was nice on the phone, and totally understanding that we had been sick as well, and she said with everything going on, that we would just skip the family Thanksgiving this year, saying we would make up for it on Xmas. Her tone of voice said she was expecting me to be upset, but I could hardly contain myself to get off the phone and call Jack to tell him our wish had come true, we would get to spend turkey day at home!

Well when I called him, he told me that he had gotten off the phone with my Dad a few minutes before, and my Dad was very rude to him, and snapped that Thanksgiving was cancelled since no one would be able to cook or anything because no one felt like it. Jack said well that is fine, but I was calling to check on you and Judy ( my Mom ) and see how ya'll were feeling. Dad snapped " We are fine, Judy might be home today, I got to go" and hung up on Jack..who was ticked.

But we were happy that we get to spend Thanksgiving exactly the way we want to, in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. I am glad my Mom is home however, the longer she stays in the hospital the more worried I get, so it is a relief to have her home.

Jack came home with a big turkey breast and a ham to cook for T-Day, and we are going to have dressing and deviled eggs and mashed potatoes and he wants to make Cajun rice, and I will make my special green beans, and who knows what all else we will come up with.

I am so excited!

Jack also built more shelves in one of our pantries tonight, so tomorrow I get to rearrange all my cooking pots and pans, and the little bit of food I keep in that one. Things are just great. In a couple of weeks we are replacing the kitchen floor, which is coming up in some places and is all ewww, so I am stoked about that.

Things are moving right along, and before we know it, it will be the end of January and I will be taking a weekend vacation, just Jack and I ( hopefully ) and I can not wait.

So here is to a stress free Thanksgiving, and I hope you all have a great holiday!

*Music of the Moment: For Your Entertainment by Adam Lambert*


The Computer Connoisseur said...

This is some totally awesome news, I'm happy things are looking up for you!

I love the new layout, it's so YOU!

Ryan Sutton said...

Sweet, glad things worked out for you!

Lyon said...

That really is good news that your mother is home, I'm glad to hear it. And I am fantastically happy for you that you get to spend your Thanksgiving the way you want to. The holidays should be *happy* for crying out loud. lol So here's to a good one for you!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so glad you'll have a happy Thanksgiving :)

Morgaine Pendragon said...

Glad to hear that your Mom is home and that you will get to have a stress free thanksgiving.

Have a happy thanksgiving, Bella...you and your family.

Bridgett said...

Yay! Glad things worked out well. :)
