Sunday, November 14, 2010

30 Days of Truth: Day 7

Day 7 : Someone who has made your life worth living for....

This one is difficult. The easy answer is my children and Jack, and my family, but the truth is there are many people who are in or have been in my life that makes my life worth living. There are people I never even met that lived 200 years ago that have somehow influenced my life today and made it worth living. I have a wonderful family, some of the best friends a person could ask for, and have met so many interesting, intelligent, and motivational people, that it is impossible for me to narrow it down to a person or two.

Everyone who comes into your life leaves an impression, changes your life in a big way, or a tiny way you may not even realize at the time. Everything that happens to us, good or bad, influences us, changes us, and molds us into the people we are today. You will continue to grow and change from this day forward, even if you do not realize it.

So I say thank you to all the people who have been or will be in my life. Thank you for sharing some part of yourself with me, a part that I will take away from our meeting or from your influence, and use it to help me grow as a person. I hope I do the same for you....


A Hippie's Bookshelf said...

This is the first one of your truths that I landed on, so I will start here. You might see me on another one, not stalking, just loving :)
This had to be difficult for you to live and for you to write about now. It takes so much courage to feel and to live something, let alone write it for someone to read. It is healthy to acknowledge, and so should -they-. It could not have only been you and you at 15, learning, growing, you were doing the best you could at that time, which would have been a starting point for the other. Forgiveness is powerful and it has such a relief to it, that only once you forgive then you know that feeling. But, it was not just you. They held responsibility to what they did to you. You are good for doing this now, and gaining strength. Hugs

A Hippie's Bookshelf said...

(My apologies. I think I might have put the comment with the wrong post. My last comment was meant for your 30 Days of Truth: Day 8)

This comment is for 30 Days of Truth: Day 7 - It would be my Great Aunt. She was like a grandmother, and instilled something in me that wins over all else. Like you, my first instinct is to say my husband and my daughter. But, if it was not for my Aunt, I would not have survived long enough to have a life with my husband and daughter.
