Thursday, December 02, 2010

30 Days of Truth : Day 22

Day 22: Something you wish you hadn't done in your life...

Oh boy. I have been waiting for this one....

I wish I had not chosen my first husband over my family when I was a mere 15 year old. I wish I had never run away and almost got myself killed. I wish my parents had laid down the law instead of being afraid I would run away again and really get killed, so they let me go so to speak. I wish I had not wasted all those years doing stupid things instead of living life the way I wanted to. 

However, if I had not run off with my ex husband, I would not have my oldest daughter. If my parents had laid down the law then I would not have ANY of the kids that I do..I would not have gone through all the trials and tribulations that I went through. I would not have learned just how strong I am, and I would probably not know half the things I do now. If I had not done any of those things, I would probably not be with Jack, happy, and living my life as best as I can with people I love. If things had been perfect with my family, then I would not be so grateful that I have a relationship with them now.

So in the end, I can not really say I have regrets. Sure, I wish at times that I had done things differently, but I know in the end that it all happened and will happen just the way they are supposed to, and I am just thankful I am still here to experience it......

1 comment:

Aine O'Brien said...

See - there's THAT - If you isolate that one incident so that it could be erased without affecting anything else even remotely related to that incident - well, that would be awesome indeed. Too bad it can't work like that. I'd like to erase an entire relationship too, except three children would also disappear. So I guess there's nothing left to do except live and learn and try not to think about it too much.
