Thursday, December 16, 2010

I'm Back!

Just wanted to let everyone know after 10 days with no internet I am finally back, but I have a wicked chest cold so it might take a few more days for me to get back on track, I have a lot of catching up to do online!

I have been watching seasons of Lost to keep me sane, I think I would have done something drastic if I had not had them to entertain me lol.

Alex has a half day of school tomorrow and then her 2 week vacation starts....the net could not have come back at a better time I tell ya lol. She was in her first school play this past Tuesday night, and she did a wonderful job! We are so proud of her!

I missed everyone and I hope you are all safe in this crazy weather we are all having!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Welcome back...get to feeling better... chicken soup...
