Monday, November 16, 2009

I was, but now I am not...

Well I was going to post today about how awesome my weekend was...because it totally WAS, and about what I did and plan to do with my house and show some pics, but my mom is currently in the hospital, her blood pressure dropped drastically and she was having issues breathing. ( She had a double lung reduction 6 years ago, she only has the bottom half of each lung ) She and my Dad and my older kids have been sick and she went to the doc today and while she was there her blood pressure took a dive and did not elevate to comfortable levels so they called an ambulance from the docs office and took her to the hospital, where they are keeping her over night. I had to drive into town when Jack got home and go pick her Jeep up from the docs office and drive it home.

Now I am coughing my lungs out today for some reason and am just feeling a bit tired and bleh, so I will post about the weekend tomorrow maybe.

Hope everyone is well :)


Rue said...

Hope everyone heals quickly.

Lyon said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that, Bella. I hope your mom is alright and I hope you get to feeling better too! Blargh -that is scary stuff. =(

mel said...

healing blessings to you and your family...


She Who Works Her Will said...

A quick recovery to you and yours!

Mother Moon said...

sorry to hear about your mom, hope she is better soon and also yourself and yours... take care.

Ryan Sutton said...

Thoughts are with you both for a speedy recovery. *huuuuugs*

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone recovers soon sweets. Thinking about you and yours :)

Dessa said...

I am very sorry to hear about your moms troubles. Hope she is feeling better real soon--and you as well.

KrisMrsBBradley said...

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers! Heal quickly!

Laura said...

healing thoughts to your family.

greekwitch said...

Sending healing thoughts your way!

Bridgett said...

Oh Bella. I know you've been feeling poorly. I've been sending healing thoughts your way...

How is your mom? Is she still in the hospital? Hopefully she's home and doing better.

Big hugs!

