Saturday, January 09, 2010

My Word for the Year...

I said to myself I did not feel like writing today, but it appears that was not true after all!

All around the bloggy universe, people have been picking words for the year, to represent what they hope to accomplish or work on for themselves. I have seen a lot of great words picked, and I have spent several days mulling this over, trying to decide what word was right for me.

After batting around so many that just did not stick, I finally chose the one that was there all along, waiting patiently behind the others, waiting for me to stop dancing around and really focus on what I want to change and manifest in myself in the coming year.

The word is: Love....

Love for my family, immediate and extended, strengthening the love between Jack and myself, showing my kids how much I love them, and, most of all, learning to love myself, totally and unconditionally.

I feel like this will be a magical year, and I am excited to see what will happen in the months ahead. But I know, no matter what happens, as long as I have love, everything will be alright....

I am like a falling star who has finally found her place next to another in a lovely constellation, where we will sparkle in the heavens forever. -Amy Tan


Ryan Sutton said...

*smiles* You got the love of a long-haired, bearded, lolcat speakin' reader man, because you deserve to be loved. Your dedication to improving yourself is a constant inspiration Bella, and we're all very lucky to have you with us. And that quote... beautiful!

Lyon said...

A very good word indeed. =)

Coach Z said...

Hello there...glad to be back and readin. You got serious there, girlie!!! That is a strong word with huge connotations and it is sorely needed. Let us hope we all find a bit more of that and not the kind of "I did it because you needed it" Kind....

It has been a hard year and I know I could do more of that...LOVE


Coach Z said...

Hello there...glad to be back and readin. You got serious there, girlie!!! That is a strong word with huge connotations and it is sorely needed. Let us hope we all find a bit more of that and not the kind of "I did it because you needed it" Kind....

It has been a hard year and I know I could do more of that...LOVE


Anonymous said...

I think that is a great word.

Mother Moon said...

What a wonderful word to choose. And it is something that you have more of than you realize....

Rue said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

You have it now, and will have more - I'm sure of it!

Bridgett said...

Probably the best word I've seen so far...because it's something we ALL need/want and choose to give to others.

BTW, that quote is amazing. I just love Amy Tan.

