Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Prelude to a Miniseries!

Howdy guys and gals.

First off, a blessed Imbolc to one and all! Or Groundhog day, or whatever you go for lol. How about Happy Tuesday?

This post is to let you all know I am about to start my Vacation posts, and because they can not all fit into one post by a long shot, I guess it will turn into a miniseries! I give you fair warning now, they will be lengthy and very pic heavy!

Jack has a couple of dozen pics on his cell phone I will add to the mix and soon as we get the USB cable that hooks up to my computer to let me download them, so those will be later I suppose.

I am going to be posting a little bit at a time, and they will be sort of story like. Some may be longer than others, and some I did not get to take proper pics and will have to give you a viz with my words lol. I like my camera, but it is limited into the quality and close up ability it can preform.

So, let's get this started and be on the look out for.....

The Vacation Chronicles!


Ryan Sutton said...

Happy Belated Imbolc!

Bridgett said...

Happy belated Imbolc, love!
