Sunday, February 28, 2010

A thank you and an update..

Good Sunday afternoon guys and gals.

First order of business, I am now up to 101 followers and I want to take the time to say thank you and I appreciate each and every one of you. When I started this blog several months ago, I had no idea that so many people would want to read what I have to say, and I feel that I have made a few special friends, and have met people who inspire and amaze me daily. I do not have anything to offer in a give-away as so many do when they reach 100 followers, but someday I hope to be able to do that!

I know I have been spotty with posting these days, and there are a few reasons for that. I had some emotional issues that were causing a good deal of writers block, because something was missing in my life that helps to make up who I am, but that has thankfully been resolved and I feel much more like myself.

I also got a bit burnt out when I did the vacation posts, ( which I am STILL not done with lol ) because I am the type that when retelling a story, I go through all those same emotions again, and it can be a bit emotionally exhaustive for me. Yeah, me, you know, the chick who does not wear her emotions on her sleeve?

I also had some things I NEEDED to write about, before I could write about the things that I wanted too. I still have at least one more post coming for that, but I am still letting it cook on the back burner, and it will probably be posted at my Wicked Witch Of The South blog, since that is the place I use to bitch about things lol.

I have also been mentally working on a new writing blog, trying to decide if I needed to start another blog when I seemed to have issues posting to the ones I have on a regular basis..( and by regular I mean what passes as regular to MY standards, not my readers lol ) but then I realized half of my writers block problem was I had things I wanted to post, but they did not fit in here at my everyday life blog, or over at Wicked, my ranting blog, so they kept backing up in my mind, causing a big mess.

After a few weeks of tossing this idea around, I found one of Julie's Blogs over at Julie Is Writing, and I got whopped in the head with a megaton of inspiration. She has a wonderful blog there, and she is doing some things that I would really love to take a part in, and finally I said "You know what, I am going to do this!"

And I did.

Thus The Avalonian Ink Weaver was born. It is newborn baby fresh, but I do have some earlier work posted there already, and there will be several other things to come to it very soon. It looks a bit plain at the moment, but I love it so much, and I feel so much better since creating it. Just click on the name there if you would like to check it out!

I will also be revamping this blog here soon, it is time for a change and I need to go around and re-harvest buttons and such since some blogs are now defunct or their buttons have changed, and it is time for a clean up and maybe a layout change...Spring is near and the juices of creativity are flowing once more.

Thank you again to Julie, who was the deciding force in creating the new blog, for having such an inspiring blog and giving me the confidence I needed to go forth with my ideas.

Last but not least, I have been spending some good quality time with Jack and Alex, and with my yin and yang best friends, and enjoying life in general.

I think that about sums it up for now, Jack is making homemade pizza again and the race starts in a few minutes so I am off to get in some good couch time!

Have a wonderful Sunday, and I hope you all have a wonderful week as well!


Rue said...

Three cheers for you and your new blog/adventure! Sometimes we just need to shake things up a bit.

Looking forward to hearing how it goes!

Mother Moon said...

as always it is so good to hear from you... cant wait to read more on your writing blog... way to go girl....

Ryan Sutton said...

I don't feel so bad about being lax in my reading now! ;) Good to have you back Bella!

Bridgett said...

To me, it's seemed pretty quiet around blogger lately. I think many folks are feeling what you feeling.

Everybody just seems to be waiting for spring.

Congratulations on your new blog!
