Sunday, January 06, 2013

One More Day...and a special offer for you!

There is one more day of Holiday vacation for Alex. Tomorrow is the last day, as she goes back on Tuesday and I fully admit I am more than ready. I need a little peace and quiet, and the ability to do anything without stepping all over her in the process lol.

I have enjoyed the staying up all night and sleeping most of the day, which is my natural and preferred sleeping pattern, but I will welcome the scheduled days and nights back with open arms, as with her in school I tend to be much more productive, and my efforts are not destroyed an hour later.

I have so much to do and I want to get started on it. So bring on Tuesday! *Giggles*

Jack is making chili for dinner, ( and apparently several of my friends are as well, it must be chili day!  ) and I am going to take this last day to just chill and not do much. Tomorrow I will do my usual cleaning and get things ready for the return to school.

I also want to do a little shameless plug today. Recently I had the chance to name a new fragrance oil created by Esta Weiss of Pagan and Proud Of It, for sale in her Etsy Shop. The scent I helped her to name, along with another lady, is comprised of three of my favorite scents. Nag Champa, Patchouli, and Dragon's Blood. I came up with the name Dragon's Heart, and both Esta and the other lady approved of the name, so there it is! I got my bottle a couple of days ago and let me tell you, the smell is divine. I am wearing it right now. It is rich and enveloping and lasts for a long time. It is so amazing, and if you scroll down the page on that Esty link I gave you, down in the "New"section at the bottom of the page, you will find the Dragon's Heart. I have gotten a lot of scented oils in my time, and most of them are not very strong, they are mostly carrier oil with a drop or two of fragrance oil. Not so with this oil. As stated on her page, she only used enough carrier oil to make it safe to use on the skin. After receiving my bottle, I know this to be true, it is wonderful.

The best news is, if you mention Bella Foxglove from Tales of The Wolf Queen, you will get a 10% discount on your fragrance purchase! Be sure to contact her to let her know I sent you, and she will set up a special listing just for you to reflect the discount! At the very bottom of the fragrance page there is a "contact the seller" link, so use that to let her know I sent you! She has many scents and combinations to choose from, so click HERE to head to the shop and purchase your amazing fragrance oil today!

I hope you all are having a relaxing Sunday, and that you have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

Luna Raven said...

Dragon's Blood is one of my favorite scents of all time. A bad experience with Nag Champa haunts me to this day, ha!

How fun that you got to name this scent and have fun cleaning ;)
