Friday, April 12, 2013

It's been a long week...

I know I still owe you all a Part Two of my last post...but it has been a long week. It is also hard to write a post about how you have changed in regards to love, when you want to smack your spouse with a 2x4.

It's been one of those weeks y'all.

We ran errands for two days, and I alternated with being really busy to not having the energy to move.

This morning I got Alex off to school and since it is a Friday and I do not have to get up early tomorrow, I went back to bed until a little after noon.

The mood of the house has not been that great this week either. When the money is gone the day you get it, it tends to make things a little tense.

Such is life.

Next week both Jack and I have doctors appointments. He, for his post-op follow up appointment, and my appointment is to meet with the neurologist to talk about Parkinson's.

I also got picked for Jury Duty yesterday. Thrilling, eh?

So it has just been a long week and I am glad the weekend is here.

We have no plans. We are just going to chill out here at home and watch the race tomorrow night.

So that sums up my week. How was yours? Any plans for the weekend? The weather has been nicer this last week. It seems like Spring is finally here in North Florida. How is the weather where you are?

I will be back soon, with Part Two...once I decide if I need that 2x4 or not...

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Vickie said...

NNOOoooo!! NO RACE!! It's sponsored by the NRA! Even Jimmy isn't watching this one, LOL!!

TantraWave said...

I've been a jury duty magnet since I turned 18, doesn't matter where I go or move, I can't count how many times I've been summoned. I showed up twice, been dismissed for every case. Just tell them the wrong thing and you're off the hook. In one case a guy was busted for cocaine possession and some other stuff. Even before the attorneys started jury selection, the judge said "If anyone here thinks this man shouldn't be found guilty of this charge, they can leave the room." More than half the room walked out, including me. I was told by a friend that she just ignores the summons and doesn't show up. They can't hold you for contempt supposedly because the summons could have been lost in the mail. I never tried that one, but she says it's never failed her. Have a great weekend! <3 D
