Friday, November 23, 2012

Sick, but thankful.

I think I have the plague y'all.

Alex had been sick for most of the last two weeks, and I have been sick for a little over a week. It will just not go away. We have all these meds and I have cleaned and sprayed disinfectant on everything. It sucks.

We had to miss Thanksgiving with my Mother because of it. As long time readers know, she only has the bottom half of her lungs. She had to have the top removed due to advanced COPD 7 or 8 years ago now. So we could not be around her, as if she gets a chest cold it can kill her. She was so nice though, when I called her Wednesday to cancel, she said that she would bring us plates on Thanksgiving so we would not miss out on all the yummy food. She called me and told me she was going to leave it on my steps, so I would not infect her lol. I stood in the doorway and waved and talked to her across the yard for few, and brought the food in. It was so good! I am still bummed I did not get to go over there though. This illness picked a bad time to present itself!

However, we will still get to celebrate. We got the stuff to make our own Thanksgiving dinner with a friend whom we do not get to see very much anymore, and Jack and I are going to cook a big dinner on Sunday. Jack is going to smoke a turkey, and I have a huge spread planned. I am excited, it should be great. I am just hoping I feel good enough to cook. This cold is kicking my ass. I am taking one more day of rest today, as tomorrow we will be power cleaning to get ready for Sunday, we we can cook and not worry about having to clean too.

I wish I had a nice huge house, so I could invite my Mom and a few other people...I would love to take over Thanksgiving every year, and let Mom not have to worry about it anymore, but I live in a postage stamp...we do not even have a kitchen table, so I can never invite more people than can fit on my furniture in my living room lol. Maybe one day :)

So that is where I have been. I have not been around to much, other than playing games on FB...that is all I have had the mental and physical energy for. I miss all of you guys and gals so much though, and I was bummed that I did not post here on Thanksgiving, so I had to come in today and suck it up long enough to let you all know that I am alive, and I am so very thankful for all of you. I have met some of the most amazing people because of my blog, and I am happy to call so many of you friends. I hope that those who celebrated had a wonderful day, and everyone else too.

I have so many things planned for the blog, so many ideas...I just need to get rid of this crud and get back on my feet.  I do not get sick often, but when I do, it more than makes up for time missed lol.

I love you folks, and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I will be back soon!


TantraWave said...

Hope you all feel better really fast Bella ... thinking of you.


BTW the blog here is looking _really_nice!!

Unknown said...

Booo, sick is no fun. I'm so sorry you couldn't go to your Mom's for Thanksgiving. I had a pretty melancholy day, as well.

Thinking of you !

