Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Fever

I did not get up early to catch the wedding, in fact I forgot all about it until I awoke and Jack had our usual local news channel on, and instead of the news the Royal Wedding was broadcasting. I came into it right at the end of the ceremony, where they received prayers from the clergy, and when the brother in law gave a speech.

Suddenly I found myself riveted, and I rushed Alex to the bus stop as the people filed into the palace circle, afraid I would miss the kiss. Luckily I did not. Kate looked stunning, elegant and classic, her dress was gorgeous, and while it was a bit solemn in the Abby, once out if it every one was all smiles, and her face lit up like a bright jewel.

I was one of the people who were annoyed by all the hoopla, but as I watched, and my heart swelled, I realized that even if you do not buy into the hoopla the royal wedding has created, think of this: The Universe really needed the outpouring of love and happiness and joy that this occasion has brought to the world today. In a world so very troubled, the joy of today will send ripples across the cosmos, and that is an amazing thing. 

What I would give to go over and touch the ancient walls of history. To stand in the place where so much history was made.

I know that where ever Lady Di is, she is watching over her son this day, beaming with pride and love, and the thought of that brings tears to my eyes.

I went from being indifferent to being totally immersed and full of joy, and I hope they have an long and happy life together.

P.S. I almost missed Elton John in the crown, he looks so "normal" lol...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Open Letter Wednesday!

I think I am going to make this a weekly thing here on the blog :)

Dear Government:

Is there a reason I have to jump through 45 flaming hoops that shoot laser beams just to get the stuff to renew my drivers license? Having to show 5 papers proving who I was before and after I got married seems a bit much. That goes for you too, Social Security Office. Your needed paperwork is so confusing and unnecessary it is pathetic. So yeah, you two can just fuck right off bite me.


Dear Dark Mother:

I am still hating what happened to your blogs. Please come back, we MISS you!!


Dear Royal Couple:

Best wishes and all but I REALLY could give a shit less about your big day. Would you care if it were my wedding day? Of course not. Same goes for me too. I know they went to school together, but didn't they first meet at a pub? If so, Did the Prince really pick up his future wife in a bar? Maybe they are more like us common folk than we think lol.. Okay, I am done with the bad jokes...for this paragraph anyway...


Dear Jack:

Thank you for expelling whatever bug crawled up your nether regions and died for the last two weeks. Those dreams of smothering you with my pillow while you slept were getting hard to ignore. Love ya, mean it!


Dear Ticks and Biting Flies:

Please go die in a fire and stay off of my family. K thx bai.


Dear Left Over Cookies and Creme Easter Bunny Candy:

I love you. Nom  Nom Nom!


Dear Self:

You just ate an entire solid white chocolate and cookie bunny ass. Karma, as they say, is a bitch, because guess where I am going to put about a pound of fat? Mmhmmm, right on both your ass cheeks. Enjoy!


And finally:

Dear Interwebz:

I still love you. I admit that I have been spending time with another electronic device. Those rumors that are spreading of people seeing me cozying up to the PS3 are true. It is not you, it is me, I swear. Maybe one day we can be together again like we used to be. I mean eventually I WILL beat the games I am playing, and hopefully by then you can forgive me and we can start over. Until then, try to move on. I hear the printer is single and she lives right next door on the desk! Ya'll should TOTALLY hook up!


Enjoy your week folks!

Please forgive the pic, but it made me laugh lol...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Food Revolution? Leave my kid out of it...

Alex's first year of school is rapidly drawing to a close. On one hand I am in a panic, sometimes just the weekends are enough to drive me insane, and in Summer there will be 3 months of non stop yammering. I can feel it. But on the other hand I am glad because we get to sleep in and our schedules will not have to be so rigid.

I am having some minor issues with her school. Last week or week before, I think it was, her class had a Health teacher come in, who was probably a nutritionist since every thing she brought home that week had to do with food and the food pyramid. The class learned about good foods and bad foods, and about to much sugar and sodium and so on and so forth. Pretty typical stuff and great knowledge to have. However, we already eat very healthy. Jack and I are heavy because other than him at work and me moving around the house, we do not get near enough exercise. Alex is thin as a whip though, and she is going through a picky stage. She loves veggies and most fruit, she is on a less or no meat kick, which is fine, and she is not a big sweet eater. She just does not care for it. She likes salty stuff more, like I do. 

The problem is, since this teacher came in for the week, every thing Alex puts in her mouth she has to ask if it had to much sugar or to much salt in it. Now keep in mind, I do not fry, I bake or broil, we eat mostly veggies, and we hardly ever have junk in the house. Now, every single thing she puts in her face she has to ask these questions, and no matter what my answer is, she will take it upon herself to decide that whatever it is is not "good" for her and refuses to eat it. She eats like a bird on the best of days, and now, she will hardly eat anything. It ticks me off. She has decided she wants to be a "cold luncher" meaning she takes her lunch instead of eating the hot lunch provided by the school. That is also fine with me. Cheaper and better for her. Not that all the food in her school is bad, but you know most of it is pre-packaged or processed food. The school does make some things fresh, but still. I understand that it is just to expensive for most schools to truck in fresh ingredients daily and make everything from scratch. Schools have enough trouble having the budget for transportation and to pay teachers, much less pay for fresh food. It sucks, but it is reality for the moment. When I cook, as I said, I do not fry, I do not use a lot of fats like oil or butter and I use sea salt in place of regular table salt. I know there are many ways I could be healthier but for the most part we are in a good place when it comes to food. I rely on spice for flavor instead of tons of salt or fat, to accentuate the natural taste of the food, instead of covering it up. So for her to question everything irritates me, because I try my damnedest to make sure we eat right, and now because a teacher told her all salt and all sugar are bad, she thinks all we eat is shit.

For instance, the cold lunch she wants is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a little handful of pretzel sticks, some apple slices and red grapes for "dessert" and as a treat I got a thing of YooHoo drinks, the little juice box sized ones. She usually drinks chocolate milk at school anyways. Well yesterday was the first day she took her lunch, and she came home and told me she could not take that any more because PB&J, and the yoohoo had to much sugar, and the pretzels had to much salt, her teacher said so. 

My eyes crossed, I was so pissed. 

So my lunch of wheat bread, natural PB and jelly, low sodium pretzels, apples and grapes, and ONE 6 oz chocolate drink is worse for her than the greasy pizza and brownies that they served that day??? I don't freaking think so.

Guess what she took today for lunch? Yes, the same damn thing. I am all for food education, but kids at that age are easily impressionable, and while having knowledge is one thing, being a freaking Nazi about it to a 6 year old is not okay with me. I am not going to send my kid to school with a lunch box full of crap. We just do not eat that way. So this first year teacher ( This is her first teaching gig ) has warped my kid's mind into thinking unless she grazes in a pasture like a cow then I am trying to make her fat and unhealthy. That makes me livid. Using scare tactics to teach anything pisses me off, but when you tell my 6 year old that unless they NEVER eat sugar or salt they will get fat and die from a myriad of diseases, then I have a huge problem with it. Nothing about moderation, everything about never having it at all. I then got to explain to her that all food, even if you plucked it off a plant 5 minutes ago, have some level of sodium and sugar, and there was no possible way to cut it totally out of your life. She refused to accept that explanation. She does not comprehend the difference between naturally occurring sugar and sodium and refined sugar and dumping salt all over your food.

I do not know what to do about the situation, or if I should do anything. This is her first year after all, and the first year for the teacher, and there is less than 6 weeks of school left for the year. The problem is, when Alex attaches to an adult, ( other than Jack and I ) then whatever they say is law, so in her eyes her teacher is the most important person in her little world right now. I do not want to give her the impression that her teacher is not to be listened to or minded, but at the same time in this case what is being taught is not okay with me.

I think I will wait and see what she has to say when she gets home this afternoon. If she comes home with a story about what this teacher told her about her lunch being bad for her, then it is on like Donkey Kong...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Down cycles and new obsessions...

What a week.

As most of you know I am Bi-Polar, and as such I am sometimes hit with vicious down cycles. I have been lucky, I have not had a really bad one in over 6 months, but last weekend it more than caught up with me and made up for lost time.

Since the Universe has a sense of sadistic humor, I was also hit with some personal issues, 3 of them at the same time. So this last week was pure hell. I went into "Hermit Mode" and did not leave the inside of my house from Saturday evening until today, other than to walk the dog. Alex did not go to school yesterday so it was this morning while taking her to the bus stop that I saw any major form of daylight.

Luckily for me, my latest obsession arrived in the mail on Saturday:

Even if I had not been in the process of losing my mind, I would not have moved off the couch once I popped this baby in the PS3. I am hooked. I have not even thought about my other game I have been playing for weeks; Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

I have just about all the Sims available for consoles except the Gamecube version ( but my eldest daughter does have that one..) and up until now, 2 was my favorite, but 3 blows them all out of the water. As soon as I wake I hurry through my chores and get Alex out the door so I can get back to my virtual world. I know it is a horrible time sucker, but it helped me get through a very rough time, and I am pretty sure if I did not have it this down cycle would have lasted much longer.

Alex is still a total chatterbox that makes my brain leak out of my ears after a few hours of her incessant yammering at me. I am a very quiet person by nature, I could go days without ever speaking if I were allowed to. I guess that is why Alex is the way she is, to bust up one of those hermit qualities I have. I think it busts my sanity up more than anything lol.

I guess that is about it. That is why I have been back in the "Dead Zone" of blogging, but as you can see, I have come up for air long enough to bang out a quick update lol...

Now, I am pretty sure it is time for my Sims peeps to go to work and school.....

Thursday, April 07, 2011

My Open Letters....

I see a lot of people around the interwebs doing Open Letters. As far as I can tell, an Open Letter is a letter to someone who may never read it or will never respond. Kind of a way to vent or get some stuff off of your chest without specifically calling out everyone who pissed you off last week or whatever.

I am in a good mood today, so it seemed a good time to do those letters instead of while I was seething with anger or crying over cat food commercials or something. (Seriously, some Fancy Feast commercials kill me!)

So here we go!

Dear Florida Gov. Rick Scott:

Really? Seriously? Asshat.


Dear Winter,

Enough already! This is Florida. Go away. I bought Alex a ton of cute Springy skirts and outfits, and it is to cold for her narrow behind to wear them in the mornings. 30 degrees in the morning and 80 degrees in the afternoon is way to bi-polar for me. That make meds for that. I know, I take them.


Dear friend who is no longer a friend,

Thanks for the love and memories but I am done. I am me, and I always have been, this is not a new thing. I will never back down, never change who I am or what I think just to make you or anyone else happy. So we don't follow the same path and feel differently about things. So fucking what? We always did. Just because we do not agree does not mean it is a deal breaker. Your pissy pettiness sure as hell is though. This time was the last time. Have a nice life and I hope your remaining days are filled with love and happiness. I mean that.


Dear Colt Ford,

I love you man.


Dear Soccer ( my Dog ) 

Your skating on thin ice dude. You know why.


Dear Jack, ( I know, its sad, my husband does not read my blog lol. He says he is afraid of what he might read.. )

I freaking love you man. Your a total ass sometimes, but your also really freaking awesome and your my best friend. We are so much alike it is scary, and sometimes it causes problems, especially since we are both so stubborn and won't back down from what we believe in, but I know as long as we have each others back's that we can get through anything. It's a beautiful day in the Trailorhood.


Dear friends,

I love you guys. For real. No matter how crazy or bi-polar or pissy or spastic I get, you guys always have my back and love me anyways, even if we disagree. That is a real friend. Not like the ones who leave if you have a different opinion about something. Ya'll rock.


Dear Uterus,

Since you no longer serve any practical function in my body, maybe you could just go away? In this economy I could probably rent it out as a studio apartment or something and make some extra cash.....


I think that sums it up for today. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I am off to play some Pogo!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Happy Anniversary to me!

Many moons ago Jack whispered to me: 

"Stay here with me tonight. Stay with me forever."

Seven years later I am still here.

Happy Anniversary baby.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

My Review of Signature Mohavi Dark Amber Runner

Originally submitted at CSN Rugs

Looking for just the right pattern? Just the right color? In the size you need? Welcome to your lifestyle... Milliken's Signature Rug Collection. Fifty unique patterns that are fresh, new and innovative. Inspiration for the Signature line comes from across the globe - from exotic ju...

Gorgeous addition to my living room!

By Bella Foxglove from Crawfordville, Florida on 4/2/2011


5out of 5

I needed a runner to cover up the worn area in front of my couch, and I received a gift code to help towards the purchase thanks to my blog, so I decided to go with the Mohavi Dark Amber Runner.

It is gorgeous and the colors mesh well with my chocolate brown leather living room set and Southwest themed living room. The colors are dark and rich, and the runner is very soft and plush, a pleasure to walk on and to look at.


Saturday ramblings...

It has been an interesting day.

Alex and I ran errands this morning; paid the light bill, ran to the store for some groceries and a birthday present for Stephanie's 10 year old daughter Destiny, and later went to the birthday party.

We had a good time, it was nice to be part of the festivities, and Destiny really liked her gifts. ( We got her an art kit, a frisbee and some type of fragrance that smelled age appropriate lol. ) Alex had a good time and I enjoyed the adult conversation!

Later after we came home, I made homemade sloppy joes and french fries, and after Alex finished eating and went to bed we watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Old movie I know, but we had never seen it, and I thought it was hilarious. I am a huge Russell Brand fan.

I did not see much of Jack today. He was supposed to go fishing with my Dad this morning, but Dad was not feeling well this morning, which was lucky I guess, because not long after Jack did not feel so hot himself. He was asleep when we got back from the store, he said he had a headache. Alex and I left not long after that, and were gone for 3 hours, but he was feeling better when we returned home from the party. Good enough to eat and watch a movie anyway lol. He is already back in bed. Hopefully he feels better tomorrow.

The race is on tomorrow so we will be watching that and having some snacks. Other than that I have nothing planned, so hopefully it will be a stress free and relaxing day. The mood here in the house has been wonky the last week, Jack and I both have been a bit...over sensitive shall we say? Alex has been a bit difficult the last week as well, so Monday I plan to deep clean and sage the house. I never got around to it last week as I was hit with a case of the "I don't give a crap/slack ass disease." I think I need to start taking my vitamins again. I will forget for a few weeks and then I start to feel run down, and then I remember to take them for a few weeks and start the whole process over again lol.

I guess that is about it for now. Nothing much else going on. All the rain we had really perked the garden up, so that is a good thing. I will take some pics soon :)

Have a great Sunday everyone!
